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Check Out Wavez Brewer’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Wavez Brewer

Hi Wavez, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
It started when COVID-19 first happened. My film crew and I couldn’t film as much as we wanted to, so I wanted to think of how I could still create and act without being outside. Then BOOM!! I knew I was always unique with my voice, so I started walking down my road to voice acting. doing it my way and on my terms!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
This has been the most challenging process I have ever experienced in my life! Having to connect and have our ear to the ground 24/7 can be draining and take a lot out of you. sometimes you get so consumed in trying to get roles you forget to have a life and relax. especially when you are just starting to try to find clients and make connections in the industry. Some people believe its as easy as just sending in an audition with a goofy voice and it over but no its so much underground work you have to do. not only for the projects but also for you.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
My name is Darian Brewer commonly known as Wavez Brewer and I am a professional voice actor stationed in Arizona Phoenix and California Burbank. Some of my voiceover roles include Primal and Tight Rope on Amazon Prime, along with Towards Galaxy End created by Kennedy Freeman who has worked with Disney, Hulu, and multiple animation studios.

I am professionally trained at Grand Center Arts Academy for 4 years of high school and am currently being coached by Richard Gilbert Hill for voice acting & diction alongside workshops from Keith Farley, ANTHONY RODRIGUEZ, Andrea Toyias, voicing for animation by Rachel Slotky ADR intensive class & Amberstone Studios 1 on-1 Dubbing & ADR sessions along with working with famous animators like Jonghyun jukebox and Napoleon brewer Corbin.

I am represented by Images Talent Agency & CESD Talent Agency which has been a crucial help in my advancement of voice acting!

I have yet to understand or have the feeling of what it means to be proud of myself just yet but this journey I’m going down for sure is helping me reach what it means to feel proud of myself.

something that sets me apart is that for me my goal is to inspire and save a million lives with my voice. I don’t do it for the cool roles or to just make money. when I was a kid hearing kamina from Gurenn Laggan always believe that a better tomorrow no matter how bad things got convinced me that I was more than what my depression told me! so here I am ready to show the world that they can create a better tomorrow with me

What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
Passion: to continue to move forward
Determination: to establish to yourself and others how serious you are
Hope: to hope that the things you do are creating your better tomorrow bit by bit
Love: to know that you are creating something that isn’t just a project but a manifestation of your creations that apart of you

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