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Daily Inspiration: Meet Nwaliweaku Anidi

Today we’d like to introduce you to Nwaliweaku Anidi

Hi Nwaliweaku, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
I grew up as a chubby little girl, and I remember caring a bit too much about my appearance during my teenage years. Inspired by my dad, I started jogging around my neighborhood in Enugu, Nigeria. While jogging was a healthy habit in itself, I quickly realized it became my “me-time,” which was essential growing up in a large family like mine. It also helped me feel more confident, allowing me to care less about others’ opinions. When it was time to go to college, a teacher introduced me to physiotherapy, and after looking it up, I was sold! Studying physiotherapy gave me a deeper understanding of the theoretical concepts and health benefits of staying physically active.

However, after graduating, I switched career paths to public health, and my role involved a lot of desk work. Even though I knew the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, I found myself struggling to stay active. This experience was my lightbulb moment. I realized how easy it is for adults to be physically inactive due to real-life priorities. Yes, we make excuses sometimes, but often, they’re real challenges like not having enough time or feeling too drained after a full day of adulting.

In 2020, this realization led me to start the Active Lifestyle Project, a social initiative aimed at helping adults incorporate movement into their daily lives in sustainable and achievable ways. Through creating content and organizing events, I also challenge the misconception that physical activity is the same as exercise and can only be done at the gym. For instance, last month, I hosted a silent disco event to demonstrate that physical activity can be integrated into everyday activities, like hanging out with friends. In just two hours, attendees doubled their step counts, with some going from 3,500 to 8,000 steps!

In general, I strongly believe everyone should enjoy the benefits of staying active, and I’m committed to helping people overcome barriers to making movement a habit. By increasing knowledge about physical activity, its health recommendations, and promoting ways to sustain it as a lifestyle, I aim to make a lasting impact.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The number one challenge has been staying consistent with posting content. I’ve never done it full-time, as I’ve always had to juggle it with work or with work and grad school, as I am currently doing. But I keep pushing forward.

It can also be tricky explaining certain concepts, especially the distinction between physical activity and exercise. While people generally understand what we’re about, this difference can still get a bit murky. This is why I recently launched the Active Lifestyle Club on YouTube, which serves as a social community for adults who share the goal of living healthier lives while balancing their personal and professional aspirations. In each video, individuals share their stories about what makes them unique and how they’re staying active amidst life’s hustles.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
For a long time, science has done a great job of providing evidence on why physical activity is essential. We all know it’s good for us, but not everyone gets to fully experience those benefits.

My professional focus, as a master’s in public health student, is on exploring policies that can help more people reap the rewards of staying active. Beyond that, I am dedicated to communicating, creating awareness, debunking myths, and leading by example in my own life.

Through my work, especially with the Active Lifestyle Club, I show that staying active is possible, and I also create a platform where others can share their stories. This helps people realize that their challenges aren’t unique, and it fosters a sense of community as they see others facing and overcoming similar struggles. I like to say the Active Lifestyle Club is “fit for all.” Not just in terms of physical “fitness”, but also in being “fit”, as in appropriate, for everyone.

Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
One of the things I like most about St. Louis is how it reminds me of home in Enugu, Nigeria. This is because St. Louis is a smaller city compared to larger ones, and the slower pace feels familiar and comforting. I’ve only been here for about a year, so I’m still exploring and discovering all the great things the city has to offer!

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