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Life & Work with Amanda Meredith of Saint Peters

Today we’d like to introduce you to Amanda Meredith

Hi Amanda, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I was previously managing an auto repair shop in Ferguson for about five and half years. I became pregnant with my last in 2022. The dynamics of my position there shifted hard with the owner during my pregnancy and after delivery. Plans were agreed for me to work from home after delivery in which I started getting things shifted within the business and outside for me to get setup from home, in which I did. I started that process in June of that year. After my C-section in November, about six weeks after, I went back to work, from home. I asked my boss if we could have a meeting to discuss pay rate, my shortened check that came through after pulling 40 hours and future tasks. My boss agreed to meet me at my house and go over my concerns. The meeting did not go as planned. The pay rate that I was at currently needed to be reconfigured due to the additional tasks at hand. Shade was thrown on that conversation. My boss decided to demote me from what I was previously doing (and very good at by the way) to just paper work (this was a strategic move to justify a different pay rate in his eyes and or keeping me where I was). My shortened pay of only 10 hours instead of a full 40 was redirected to his illogical understanding that there was no way that I pulled a full 40 after having a child, and that 10 hours seemed the most appropriate. Also, he stated that, he really really wanted me to spend as much time with my son as possible and me doing paper work now for only 10 hours a week would seem more suitable given my current circumstances. AND that once I start getting these tasks or these projects completed which would generate more income, then I will get paid…. So right after that unprofessional, very degrading and unfortunate decision that he decided to make on his behalf, I decided to terminate my stay with the company(s). I am one who has always given a 2 weeks notice, but considering there wasn’t funds to pay me during my work week, I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of medaling with my time/money any further.

Several months after leaving my previous job, in April of 2023, I began looking for a few jobs that I would be able to do while taking care of a newborn. From cleaning houses, to selling solar panels, I didn’t quite like the flow of the work environment and started to heavily think about going into business for myself. This decision wasn’t taken lightly. I was in heavy negotiation with myself during the initial process as far as start up costs and the most effective category to get into. What really helped finalize my decision of going into business for myself and what I was going to sell really brings me back to my many positions I held at the auto repair shop and how I was raised. To emphasize on that, I will discuss first, my placement at the auto repair shop.

I was originally hired in as a secretary doing office duties. Over the course of 5.5 years, this bloomed into many positions in and outside of the 2 main shops. Office manager/operations person, assistant shop manager, service writer and where else I was needed. With all of these skills that I developed and having gone through an ordeal with that company, I knew that I could be my own boss and didn’t want to work for anyone else but me. Also I have always wanted to go into business for myself one day, but never felt like I was ever in the right situation to be bold enough to get one started. Regarding my upbringing, my mother was heavily into homeopathic medicine and we really valued the overall health message that it presented. So it only made sense to get into a beauty line of some sort that implements those standards. AAA Sugar Scrubs have limited ingredients which are natural/organic. I believe simple is best and less is more!

Close to the end of 2023, I had the idea of what I wanted to do, how I was going to do it, along with what I was going to use to get it done. I got started designing my own labels, making my own fragrances, creating how I wanted to package and ship, creating my own website, and setting up a back office. Paper work was in order, having the required documents sent to the appropriate business’ and everything finalized by mid February of 2024, so that I could finally get started on making my first sale. Around 4 months after opening, an opportunity opened up for me to carry my scrubs at a boutique shop in Cottleville.

In closing, through this arduous journey from having to step out of a familiar setting of 5.5 years, to finding my way into a business of my own a year later, I am glad for the trails that presented themselves. Without them, I feel that I would not have had the courage to pursue this route of starting my own business, and for that I am thankful. From selling door-to-door, providing free samples to family and friends, having my products carried at a business to now getting an interview with VoyageSTL Magazine have truly been a blessing and prayers answered over the course of my first year being opened! I want to thank the Lord for carrying me through, my boss at the repair shop for providing me the opportunity to equip myself with numerous skills, for the people that I have met along the way, and for my family and friends who all have supported me!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Aside from what was mentioned earlier within my story, a few additional things to note after starting my business would be advertising/marketing. I feel that this has been a very big obstacle for me. Working from home and taking care of a toddler along with my other 2 older kids has its challenges. The ability to work within my means and promote while keeping costs at a minimum isn’t easy.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Honestly aside from having been employed at various jobs prior and being known there, I am a full time mother to 3 beautiful children whom I am very proud of. A homeowner. A business owner. A girl-scouts troop leader. Was homeschooled from 1st grade through high-school and graduated. I have an associates degree in Fine Arts (Graphic Design). That basically sums me up.

As far as my product goes, I feel that my design and packaging in itself are pretty unique, and that alone makes my product stand out against my other competitors. From my time researching, I haven’t seen any scrubs packaged in jars that I provide and also labeled with the type of design I’ve created from scratch. The ingredients that I chose to use are a lot less in number than what other bigger brand name scrubs provide. The recipe I use is my very own. Its been formulated in such a way, keeping in line with what a true sugar scrub is all about, while reflecting what I am and what I believe in as far as being on the healthier side of things. It helps to have customers provide feedback on your finished product. I like that I can allow the product to speak for itself, and that alone is a good feeling.

To tie all of this together, I was brought up in Texas so the product’s names, theme and design and rustic feel reflect that side of me. The recipe and ingredients within those jars, reflects how I was brought up with a mom who believed in enriching the body with natural/organic materials.

What do you like and dislike about the city?
I love the plethora of unique business STL has to offer. My 2 dislikes for STL would be road conditions and limited parking.


  • Scented 4oz jars-$12.00 excluding taxes and fees
  • Scented 8oz. jars-$22.00 excluding taxes and fees
  • Unscented 4oz. jars-$11.00 excluding taxes and fees
  • Unscented 8oz. jars-$20.00 excluding taxes and fees

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