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Inspiring Conversations with Pastor Chad Mitchell of Diplomat Legacy Church

Today we’d like to introduce you to Pastor Chad Mitchell.

Pastor Chad Mitchell

Hi Pastor Chad, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My story began with an African American man by the name of LaBarney Mitchell from St. Louis, MO who was serving in the United States Air Force who met a Caucasian Irish woman by the name of Roseann McLaughlin while stationed in the United Kingdom. Those two got married and began their journey together. First came love, then came their marriage, then came the baby that ended being a miscarriage. Their first pregnancy was not a successful on unfortunately. I lost whom would’ve been my elder brother.

Now my mother was diagnosed with having cancer in her womb while pregnant with me. The cancer was aggressive and was threatening my very future. The cursed cancer was headed straight for me, its mission was to sift me as wheat, but GOD.

My mother saw the top physicians available to her at the time. We’re going back to the mid 80’s here. The report was the unanimous from all of the medical professionals, you have to abort this child. The doctors told my mother that if she didn’t have the abortion, I was going to die anyway, or I would take her with me. One doctor told her that if I did make it through the pregnancy, I wouldn’t live pass six months, I’m 38 years of age today and my mother just celebrated her 68th birthday. Can you say amen?! Now what is interesting here, my mother, who wasn’t a born-again believer at the time, had sense enough to turn to the one whom was the inspiration of the following scripture, “20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”. -Eph 3:20-21

My mother shared a very intimate part of her testimony with a child concerning this journey. She said, “I went to God in prayer, and I told him, “Take anything you want from me, just give me him.'” At this point, my mother was sent a new doctor from the Lord, Dr. Edward. I carry that man’s name as my middle name today, why? Because he threw away the evil report concerning my life and my mother’s. My mother went full term and then some. I was born 2 weeks late, February 16, 1986, in Homestead Air Force Base, Florida, outside of Miami.

My parents brought me to my father’s hometown of St. Louis, Missouri to introduce the family to their new baby boy. They visited my father’s great uncle Ludy. My parents placed me in his hands and Uncle Ludy prophesied over my life, and I’m sure that was the first prophecy I’d received up to that time. Uncle Ludy declared, “this is going to be a preacher.”

Fast forwarding to my family’s time in Germany in the early 90’s. I was about 7 years old when I can remember my Father and I walked through the doors of the church. It was a beautiful Chapel. with a body of believers on fire for Jesus. I joined the children’s choir and watched as my dad became a Deacon and later a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Best thing my father ever sowed into my life, was bringing me to that church and raising me in it. My father retired from the military in 1998, and moved the family to St. Louis, Mo, and we’ve been here ever since.

In 2005, I was 19 years of age and graduated from high school. By this time, my father was an associate minister at Pine Lawn Glen Echo Baptist Church which he Pastor’s today. At the time, it was pastored by his uncle, James Frank. I attended a worship service one Sunday, just after my high school graduation. I was sitting at the back of the church with my church friends as I always did, playing a Gameboy, not respecting the Lord at all.

Now as I was playing a game, Pastor Frank gave an invitation for all those who were not born again according to scripture, to come to the alter and receive Jesus by confession of faith. In my peripheral, I saw a brother who was in the same age group as me, stand to his feet and answer the call to salvation by walking to the Alter to give his confession of faith in Jesus. Now, this brother had mental challenges at the time, “the elevator didn’t go to the penthouse” if you smell what I’m cooking. That added to the impact of his response to the alter call for me.

I felt a pulling in my spirit by from the Holy Ghost. The very pit of my belly. I felt an unction to respond to the Pastor’s alter call. So, I did. I handed the Gameboy to my friend “Lil Rob” and said, “I’m going to get saved today.” I stood up and began to walk my way to the alter where my father, deacons, and my great uncle, Pastor Frank James, stood to minister to the people who came forward. Pastor Frank looked in my direction and a great excitement fell on his face. He tapped my father’s shoulder and pointed towards me as I was walking forward.

My dad looked in my direction and the same excitement and joy that was on my uncle’s face was then on my dad’s face. They received me at the alter and lead me through a sinner’s prayer and I confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and confessed my heart felt belief that God raised Jesus from the dead according to Romans 10:9 “because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord [recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God], and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

From that point, I was led by the Lord to Word of Life Fellowship Center Full Gospel Church in the city of St. Louis who was led by Pastor Tyson W. Patton. I was under his Christian discipleship for 6 years in total. 2010 was the year that changed everything. I called my Pastor to visit me at my home, there was something I had to share with him. Pastor Patton showed up and sat with me and my family in my living room. I explained that I was feeling a “fire in my belly.” I explained that I felt like I had something to say to the world about Jesus in a manner that only I can say it. Pastor Patton said, “Brother Chad, you’ve been called by God into the ministry.”

I preached my first sermon shortly after that meeting at a Sunday evening service at Word of Life Fellowship Center. I preached for an hour and forty-five minutes. The sermon was called, “Reality Check.” That season was the birthing of my own evangelical ministry called, Diplomat Ministries. Through this ministry, the Lord was using me to preach at revivals, Sunday services, radio broadcasts, internet vlogs, street crusades, all the way to the Lord using me to plant my first house church called Diplomats of Christ Chapel.

That church had two strong years located in Bridgeton of St, Louis County. Then, tragedy rocked my personal life. My then Wife was caught in infidelity. That broke me in spirit, so I took a sabbatical from my ministry. What I didn’t expect, was the sabbatical turning into a six-year wilderness period away from the presence and service of God. This period was full of depression, babies, tattoos, and finally divorce, after a decade of marriage. In 2020 I met my Wife Nenniccia Mitchell who was a rose that grew from the concrete of my garden of pain while I was in a wilderness.

My Wife (Then Fiancé’) and I rededicated our lives to Jesus in 2021, we were married in 2022, and launched a new evangelical ministry called Diplomat Legacy. This ministry has impacted the north county area of St. Louis for Jesus and giving a middle finger to the devil along the way. We’ve hosted multiple group Christian bible studies, launched multiple community outreaches in the cities of Hazelwood MO., Ferguson MO., and Florissant MO. And on July 3, 2023, we planted a house church as led by the Holy Spirit called Diplomat Legacy Church in Hazelwood, MO. There were 13 water baptisms on day one of that church, two confirmed miracles, and 3 youths baptized in the Holy Spirit and Fire, and we’re just getting started.

I’m 38 years of age right now, a husband to Nenniccia Mitchell, and Father to Brendan E.J. Mitchell, Ireland A.M. Mitchell, Jubilee A.M. Mitchell, and Shane E.J. Mitchell and I’m more on fire for God now than I’ve ever been all the days of my life and there is no sign in sight for Retirment nor derailment in Jesus’ name. I will see my generation saved and build the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
No, it wasn’t a smooth road, but that was because of me. People can blame the devil all they want, but not even that piece of trash gets that credit in my life. The devil doesn’t have authority nor power greater than what’s been given to me in the blood of Jesus.

When infidelity hit my home and my ex broke our marital covenant, I chose to walk away from the ministry because I decided my trial was greater than the call of God on my life, depression set in, immorality increased in my spirit, finally went through a divorce. However, it is written, I John 4:4 “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

I received the revelation of that scripture in 2021, I rededicated my life back to Jesus with the love of my Life Nenniccia, I married her, and we’ve made it our life’s mission to kick the devil in the teeth every day of our lives.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Diplomat Legacy Church?
I’m the Senior Pastor of Diplomat Legacy Church, which is a full gospel, non-denominational. A “training ground for the New Testament Church.” Under the umbrella of Diplomat Legacy, DLC is a church of signs, miracles, wonders, revival, instruction, and knowledge. It’s a church for the broken hearted, the depressed, spiritually bound, and for people that want to follow Jesus.

A “diplomat” is defined as “a person appointed by a state, intergovernmental, or nongovernmental institution to conduct diplomacy with one or more other states or international organizations.” So, we as a body of believers are ambassadors/diplomats of the kingdom of God according to II Corinthians 5:11-21 ”

“Legacy” biblically defined “something that is passed down from one generation to the next,” The offspring that my Wife Nenniccia and I have collectively are set to inherit the ministry for the sake of building the kingdom of God. It’s a family affair.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
“16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

Matthew 16:18 “And I say to you that you are [a]Peter, and on this [b]rock I will build My church; and the [c]gates of Hades (death) will not overpower it [by preventing the resurrection of the Christ].”

This is glorious news! Jesus set us up to win and never lose. To be the head and never the tail, above and never beneath. Jesus Christ is actively building his Church, also known as the “Bride of Christ.” He is our soon coming King that is coming back not for a defeated, broken, and bruised Bride…but a spotless, one full of power, and one that superabounded in grace.

Ephesians 5:27
“So that [in turn] He might present the church to Himself in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy [set apart for God] and blameless.”

Romans 5:20
“But the Law came to increase and expand [the awareness of] the trespass [by defining and unmasking sin]. But where sin increased, [God’s remarkable, gracious gift of] grace [His unmerited favor] has surpassed it and increased all the more,”

*We hold worship services every Sunday at noon (12pm) and every Tuesday at 6:30pm for Bible Study and Corporate Prayer.

*Ministry clothing line is available, product section of the church’s Google Page!

*Teachings and ministerial content can be found for free at the following link

*There are several ways for the people to sow and support into the vision and impact of Diplomat Legacy Church.



✅ Cash & Checks by Mail: make out to Diplomat Legacy Church and post to 916 Gastorf Place Hazelwood, MO 63031.

✅ApplePay: (314)503-2798


*We can be contacted at the following:

916 Gastorf Place Hazelwood, MO 63031
314.503.2798 Call-Text//

Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
We at Diplomat Legacy Church offer multiple opportunities for people to invest and support:

Volunteers: Contact the ministry office at and communicate your desire to serve/volunteer.

Collaboration: If you want Pastor Chad E. Mitchell to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ at your next event or platform, contact our home office at will full details and needs.

Financial: You want to connect with the vision and sow a seed for a future harvest with Diplomat Legacy? This is how:
*There are several ways for the people to sow and support into the vision and impact of Diplomat Legacy Church.



✅ Cash & Checks by Mail: make out to Diplomat Legacy Church and post to 916 Gastorf Place Hazelwood, MO 63031.

✅ApplePay: (314)503-2798


*We can be contacted at the following:

916 Gastorf Place Hazelwood, MO 63031
314.503.2798 Call-Text//

Contact Info:

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