Today we’d like to introduce you to Curtis Anderson.
Hi Curtis, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
During my time on the USS Carol Vinson in the United States Navy, I fuel my passion for health, fitness and nutrition. After completing my enlistment, I struggled with the path I would take toward my career. The funny thing was, exploring careers for health, nutrition or fitness was never on the list. I enrolled in coding classes and felt myself disappearing. When I was finally honest with myself, I knew this was not a career I was wanted to do for the rest of my life!
I got into contact with mentors, family and friends and starting trying to see myself from a different light. After self-exploration, I found myself enrolling in classes that would land me in the field of Physical Therapy. I thought I was on the path toward glory and triumph until I was involved in an auto accident. I was T-boned and prescribed Physical Therapy. Upon completion of the rehabilitation treatment, I felt better but had decreased range of motion in my neck and settled with the idea; that would be something I would experience the rest of my life.
Fast forward several months and I found myself re-injured and I could no longer move my neck. My wife suggested I see the Chiropractor she had been working for, for the last three years. After one treatment, I was able to move my neck and that pain I thought I would “experience forever” was gone! I had an “Aha Moment” and thought to myself “what is the magic”! I started researching Chiropractic and found myself looking up schools as well. The philosophy, the science, the history had me hooked.
A month later, I was setting up school visits and gave myself a year to uproot my life and make the move into the world of Chiropractic. Little did I know the universe has other plan, with a very short time frame! One of my schools and visits included Logan University in the amazing city of St. Louis. Since the school was so close and they had an open house only weeks away, I decided to make a mini-vacation and start my adventure soon rather than later.
My wife and I arrived on campus and… know those movie scenes where everything just falls into place and the director depicts what it would feel like to be in the right place at the exact moment you were meant to be? Well that was happening to both my wife and I! Pulling onto campus is where the epiphany started. We explored and fell in love with the campus, the students, professors, and more importantly the program. I felt at home! I applied to the program that day, was accepted weeks later and moved my entire life to St. Louis only a month later!
Today my wife and I are running our own business and on our way to creating a place where I can continue down a path of helping people the way I was helped all those years ago.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I road has never been “smooth” and I feel if it had been what would fuel and drive the passion to be better? To do better?
Starting from the beginning, finding the career was a struggle. I had to sail across the world, explore several professions, get T-bone to acknowledge the Chiropractor who fixed me. Which was just as much a part of my life as he was a part of my wife’s life.
Going through the program in addition to being a husband, son, brother, uncle and friend. There were times I was so stressed out I wasn’t eating or sleeping! But walking across that stage made each day count.
How do you open a business in an area where if throw a stone it has a 99.9% probability of landing on a Chiropractors doorstep? You just do and believe in yourself!
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about Create Health?
We are a family-owned business. I provide the Chiropractic Care and my wife Laura is the Massage Therapist and Office Manager.
We specialize in Chiropractic, acute, chronic, preventative and recovery care.
We are known for our all-encompassing care. We work close with other professionals to provide a program that includes an individual’s entire medical team.
We love to nerd out about the human body and providing educational information about how the individual could benefit not only from our care but things they can do at home as well. We would love to see our patients every day of the week, but they have lives and expenses. So we make it a point to educate our patients on different stretches, at home exercises using household objects like soup cans, and making sure they are seeking the proper medical care even if that means referring out. I am passionate about work and I love to help people heal and move better. Which helps them enjoy life to their fullest.
Our grassroot marketing. Being around so many successful, knowledgeable, established Chiropractors can make running a business as a new chiropractor challenging. We are not great at social media (which is free advertisement) and other traditional marketing tools. But, the one thing we are good at is community involvement and establishing meaningful relationships. Which has gone a long way in branding our small, family-owned business.
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Image Credits
Brian Mueller Photography