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Meet Angella Sharpe

Today we’d like to introduce you to Angella Sharpe .

Hi Angella, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories.
I am a reporter / tv host and radio host.

This life kind of found me. My degree is in education, so hosting/emceeing/talking for a living just happened. It happened really by hanging out at Wild Country during the tapings of St Louis Country, The Director of that show was the director of the St Louis Blues in-game production — and the rest is history.

Can you talk to us about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned? Would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
This road is not smooth – never has been – being a female in a primarily male-dominated field ihas been different. Although I see more and more females join this world everyday which is great !  I deal with (and sadly still do) a lot of locker room talk. I will say lovely comments from strangers have come at all the correct times – when I am down, someone always comes through with a kind word! 💖 so thank you to everyone who has done that — and note to everyone if you have something nice to say SAY IT, you don’t know what the rest of the day has been like for someone – they may need it! I once had a boss look me in the eye and say, “I hate strong women. I will find a way to replace you,” but I have never been big on giving other people power, so I do my job the best I can and power through myself.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Currently, I work at Stl Tv – hosting 2 shows, “The Daily Mix” and “Angella’s Adventures. World Wife Technology Racetrack, St. Louis Cardinals, Lowsy’s Lounge co-host (590 the fan Friday’s 1-3), St. Louis Ambush, Freelance talent for commercials/ and other events – so please always think of me 🙂

Here is a run down of where I have worked:
St. Louis Blues
Tampa Bay Rays
Show me, St. Louis
Gateway Grizzlies
River City Rascals

I have been very blessed – and wouldn’t mind returning to a few places on the former employee list 🙂

Any big plans?
You can’t plan in this business / you have to roll with it! I am always looking for new opportunities and having as much fun as possible!

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