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Check Out Angela Renteria’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Angela Renteria.

Hi Angela, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I am a Latina, woman-owned small business established in Utah, in May 2021. In early 2017 as with many others, I began my spiritual awakening during a very dark time in my life.

Yet in the midst of my very own foundation falling away over and over again, I found healing, I found a way to grow and evolve from the pain and trauma I’ve experienced along my journey since I was a child.

I found me, I found my purpose and I found my soul family. Through energy healing work my entire world has shifted in the most positive way. Certified as a Reiki II practitioner (working on my Reiki Masters).

I have extensive knowledge in Chakra therapy, I am a Certified Sound Healer I and II, and over time I intuitively picked up Tarot Reading. Since I was little, I always had an urge to tap into my creativity, which I now put into the magick of making Reiki Infused healing products, from Intention Candles, Aura Sprays, and more!

I actually launched for the first time in September 2018, my main focus was healing ourselves through our 7 main Chakras. I created 7 different Reiki Infused Chakra healing candles, bath soaks with herbs, bath bombs that had a healing crystal inside specified for each chakra, and of course the Aura Sprays.

My products have always been all-natural, vegan, and full of so much love and light, yet when I launched in 2018. Around July 2019, I was experiencing yet another very dark time in my life (it was pretty much a cycle at this point), then found out I was pregnant with my youngest son in November 2019, and shortly after COVID-19 hit the scene.

I was already taking a break from my business for a lot of different reasons, so I knew this was it, it was now or never, these lessons, the pain, the drama, and the cycles were continuously coming to the surface for a far deeper reason than I had ever dared truly face. In September 2020 after having my son I decided that what used to work for me was no longer working, It was time for things to shift, change and transform.

No matter how uncomfortable or scary this seemed I knew deep in my soul it was the right move for me and my 3 children. I completely fell off the map or as you would say went ghost, I focused solely on myself and my babies for about 8 months, loving myself more, and of course lots and lots of releasing and healing for all 4 of us. This is what led me to finally reach the point where I was ready to re-launch and re-brand my business.

It’s been a little over a year now and because of the belief and tools I have learned from all of the different energy healing modalities, self-love, and self-care here I am.

Making more product sales, booking more readings/reiki sessions than I ever have in my entire timeline of owning a business, and now teaching courses to others about how to step into their own power, live an authentic life and of course heal themselves not just through their chakras but through energy work in general, going within to break generational cycles and break free of self-limiting beliefs!

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I quickly found out that running your own business was a lot harder than I expected. I hadn’t quite wrapped my head around content, ads, collaborating, networking, and all that good stuff, so things did not take off as expected. I really thought I was going to launch with my couple hundred Instagram followers and have products flying off the shelves.

In the beginning, it was definitely a learning experience, I would make massive amounts of products and just sit on them, or I would get orders for more popular items but then run out of materials because I made too much of another item. I wasted so much time and money on making items that really never sold. It was discouraging, it really started to mess with my head and make me question if my dreams and goals were even possible.

Self-doubt, insecurities, anxiety, and imposter syndrome were huge setbacks for me personally. Another unfortunate thing I experienced was not receiving support from some of my closest family/friends, complete strangers were quicker to show me, love. I’ve learned over time it’s ok, not everyone is meant for you or is on the same wave as you.

What you do might not be for them and it’s fine because energy is real and it’s powerful, so what’s meant for you is meant for YOU and nobody can take that away except yourself, the ones who are drawn to your energy will find you and everything will align in divine timing.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I create art, whether it’s making candles, and aura sprays, creating classes to help others heal and evolve, sitting down with someone to tap into some divination with tarot/oracle cards, or a Reiki healing session.

I have always been gifted with some amazing hands, since I was little my parents would ask me to massage them because I had such strong yet nurturing hands. I love working with my hands and just creating things, and well I’m good at it!

I feel like as far as products go my Intention Candles are definitely something I am known for, I’ve received a lot of customer reviews who cannot only feel/smell the amazing energy as soon as they receive their package in the mail or products in hand but literally don’t want to burn the candles because they are just too beautiful!

I’m somewhat of a perfectionist (blame the Virgo in me), I don’t mind it, but it can be a blessing and a curse. I do drive my husband and kids a little crazy with that part of me though lol.

Reiki is an ancient yet simple, natural, and safe technique of spiritual healing that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping mental, physical, and emotional ailments such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, fatigue, addictions, anger and so much more! This method is the non-invasive approach to energy transfer to promote overall wellness. Through energy transfer, the body is able to restore and replenish balance across the body, mind, and soul.

Relaxing and relieving tension, clearing your head and allowing you to simply “be”. Reiki is also known for cleansing your body, mind, and soul of toxins, and trauma and just releasing things that no longer serve you. A motto I have lived by since starting my spiritual awakening in 2017 is “healing starts from within”.

Tapping into this part of yourself changes your decisions and perspective on the outside, so once you start to let go of old habits holding you back you can make room to manifest and create your own reality!

Lastly, I am very well known for my Tarot/Oracle readings, the way I give my readings is from my strongest Clair Sense, Clairsentience, which means clear feeling. I’ve always been very sensitive to energies and knew early on something was just different in my world.

When we are highly sensitive and in tune with not only our own feelings but also the feelings of others, this makes us natural healers and caregivers. I am a Virgo sun, Virgo moon, and Leo Rising, which has healer and nurturer written in the stars for me, the Leo in me is very protective and private. Tarot is another divination tool used to tap into your intuition and wisdom of universal energy.

Readings were something I used early on in my ascension to help guide me. strengthen and push me in the direction of my highest and greatest good. I am a twin flame, divine feminine, and honestly, this journey was a lot, to say the least lol, It’s absolutely not a journey or mission for the faint or the weak.

Because of my own shadows and demons, I had to come face to face so I can move forward in life and step into my own light I’ve found over time, the ones who have or are experiencing similar things as me are drawn to my energy.

My purpose is to help others, to serve, whether that means making them an Intention Candle or Aura Spray, giving them a reading, Reiki healing session, or a sound bath. It’s what I am naturally gifted with and what I love doing!

If we knew you growing up, how would we have described you?
Oddly enough I don’t remember a lot of being a kid, but I did love to sing, I loved pretending to be Selena, lol. I always wanted to be famous, my dream was to become an actress or singer. I was in acting/modeling classes when I was 15 but I ended up getting shot in my left femur and was on bed rest for months and that pretty much went out the window.

I also loved basketball and considering I never broke 5’2″ I was actually really good, I had just made Jr Varsity when I was shot so I’m sure you know how that ended. I was a social butterfly, always had only a few close friends, loyalty has always been very important to me and I did like to go out and party but was very much a homebody (still am).

The family has also been something very meaningful to me as my family was very family oriented. I grew up with lots of cousins, 2 brothers, 1 sister, and lots of aunts and uncles on both sides. We would have lots of family BBQs, and parties and just had a lot of fun together so I knew early on I wanted to get married and have a family of my own!


  • Candles – $12.12-24.44
  • Aura Sprays – $14.14
  • Readings – $33-$111
  • Reiki – $60-$80

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