Today we’d like to introduce you to Barry McClintock and Sean Kitts.
Hi Barry and Sean, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Healing Spaces started out as an idea I (Barry) had in order to bring comfort to spaces where healing was to take place. As a therapist-in-training, I noticed the space where I worked was one of white brick walls where a student faced the door, and the therapist faced the clock. Essentially, both were facing the energy of escapism—one through limited time and the other through limited space. While I now recognize so much more was present, what I felt was missing then (and now) was the environmental focus. Shouldn’t these external spaces help to create and promote the internal healing journey? Thus, Healing Spaces was born.
Over time, the story of Healing Spaces began to shift into the energetic realms as the spiritual paths of both of us evolved. We recognized that healing is hindered within environments that cannot support the energy we are working on manifesting. In other words, wholeness can occur when our internal and external energies match. This thought process allowed us to integrate our energetic healing practices. Healing Spaces strives to help you attain wholeness in your internal and external worlds through Space Clearing, Spatial Flow (think Feng Shui-adjacent), Coaching, Restorative Energy Sessions, and Transformative Breathwork Sessions. Through these practices and the simple but powerful acts of the presence of intention, we are helping others to come home to wholeness.
We all face challenges, but would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
The path you forge for yourself is always with its bumps. It can be challenging to get the word out as a small business in such a particular niche. The inner work calls to all of us at different periods in our lives, so from a practitioner’s standpoint, this doesn’t necessarily create a steady flow. However, we are grateful for every opportunity that individuals feel called to show up for themselves in this way.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you do?
We specialize in working with and transforming the subtle energies within and around you. This happens through various means:
• Space Clearing and home blessings allow you opportunities to enhance the energy of the space around you. This is accomplished by burning sacred plants, incense, and resins and using drums, rattles, bells, etc. Think “walking into the room with someone laughing” vs. “serious board room meeting,” lol.
• Spatial Flow is about arranging and enhancing your environment to hold the highest potential energy in a space. This service is not interior decorating or strict adherence to any energetic design school; it is about creating the energy needed to support your highest vision. This is a collaborative dive into the outer representation of your inner world and co-creating an environment that heals you and supports your growth.
• Restorative Energy Sessions are individual healing sessions utilizing energetic modalities such as Reiki or Restorative Energy Technique™, as well as various scents and sounds. These techniques and other intuitively guided modalities help bring an awakening, cleansing, and revival to the Self and Soul.
• Transformative Breathwork is a “non-talk” therapy that aids in the release of old, stuck patterns. Breathwork is not about breathing. It’s about living; breath is the tool that takes us there. Utilizing conscious, circular breathing patterns, affirmations, and hand placements, Sean guides and empowers you to let go of the things that hold you back and embrace a new way of living.
• Within the new year, Space Holding Intensives will begin in which Barry utilizes his counseling and intuitive skills to sit with you and hold space for processing your cognitive and emotional well-being. This leads directly into a Restorative Energy Session to release and integrate spiritually and physically.
• Events are held annually with other St. Louis and surrounding area practitioners.
We are most proud of witnessing the transformations our clients experience through our services. Opening yourself up and allowing healing requires much personal, hard work. The strength and resilience of the people in this city constantly humble us.
What’s next?
This next year is already bringing in the potential for several things. Barry will be opening his Space Holding Intensives, a combination of coaching and Restorative Energy Sessions, to bring about full integration and mental, physical, and spiritual healing. We’re also reaching out and beginning to work with realtors in the area by going into homes on the market and doing Space Clearings and blessings. Finally, we collaborate with local practitioners to create several healing events for St. Louis and the surrounding areas.
Contact Info:
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Image Credits:
All photos taken personally by Barry McClintock or Sean Kitts