Today we’d like to introduce you to Nathaniel’s Experience.
Hi Nathaniel, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I wasn’t very good at drawing/painting in art class at school. I hated singing in music class; I barely even practiced the trombone given to me in the band, and I didn’t take any show choir classes/theater. I never had reason to call myself an “artist,” let alone think of myself as very creative.
It was rare for me to explore my creative side in any major capacity. I would freestyle rap with my friends as a creative outlet (we were huge hip-hop heads), but other than that, I wasn’t trying to get in my creative bag all that much. It didn’t help that I grew up believing that being an artist was something I shouldn’t consider as a career. I went to a very academic high school and got it in my head to look at art as nothing more than a hobby. For high school and college, I felt lost, with no clear goals/plans/direction for my future. I struggled to feel “normal.” In retrospect, I was headed down a path that wouldn’t have truly even energized me.
Life hit me hard when I graduated college. I felt more off-track than ever and like I had wasted my time and money pursuing a degree that was beyond my genuine interests. I desperately wanted to figure out who I was going to be, I just couldn’t.
Right around this time I also got into a nearly deadly car accident (that’s another story). I began to journal and read self-help books like “The War of Art” (Steven Pressfield)! I started recording music at the studio as a form of therapy. Now the first few pieces of my brand started to actualize in my head. Music provided a healthy outlet for my frustrations in feeling lost. Working with an engineer also empowered me. After making music, I began to produce cover art for myself and model in photoshoots. Upon doing some photo shoots I wanted to model in my own clothing! Then from making clothing I wanted to create other products! I started learning about photography (the rule of thirds/composition/stylizing photoshoots), how to rap better (breath control/studio practice), conceptualizing ideas (physical products), videography, modeling, sales, marketing, and even exploring my spirituality (gems/mantra/meditation). Music was the catalyst that led me on this journey in many ways, but so was feeling lost. Feeling lost made me more individualistic. It allowed me to taste what the world had to offer. Once I was able to give myself permission to be who I always was deep down I was off to the races! I feel like if 14 year old “me” met me now, I would be proud of who I am becoming. I found that everyone has their own journey and you just need to discover who you are and what you enjoy doing. You can do this by asking yourself questions until you fully understand. Like, what makes you want to get out of bed in the morning? Just believe in yourself and your potential as a person. What you tell yourself matters immensely. You’re capable of more than you even know.
We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
The journey so far has had its ups and downs! It has been stressful at times because I feel like I have to learn so many new things on my own. Almost as if I’m making up for the lost time I can’t get back (from when I was in college studying a degree that had nothing to do with art).
I officially founded my enterprise Creative Freedom HQ in 2021 and things have felt fast-paced since then! Within my first year of operating the business (on the side of working a day job), I released various projects (streetwear/stickers/toys/
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Creative Freedom HQ is an online retailer specializing in streetwear clothing, stickers, rap, podcast and more! Clothing is also featured in select stores.
My originality and versatility are what sets me apart. I pride myself in making products that are not only timeless in quality, but 1 of 1. Getting inspired is one thing, but turning that inspiration into a product that hasn’t been conceived of is important to me. You simply won’t find another Creative Freedom product line/products like mine! My versatility allows for a dynamic consumer experience and keeps things interesting for me! I will continue to create my own freedom and expand this creative empire into something so much bigger. Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey. Everything I’ve been able to accomplish is from the tremendous support I’ve received from the Creative Freedom community and I am extremely grateful for you all and for my amazing friends/family that support me! Shout out Voyage STL for being the first magazine to reach out!
Contact Info:
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