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Hidden Gems: Meet Caryn Dugan

Today we’d like to introduce you to Caryn Dugan.

Hi Caryn, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
You name it and I have probably tried it. In fact, in high school, one of my friends called me the human garbage disposal. During college, I shared the same diet as many other students: bar food, fast food, packaged food.

Eventually, I knew it was time to get on track and clean up my act. In an effort to do this, I ate mainly packaged “healthy” diet foods (you know the ones). This made it easy to keep track of my fats, carbs, and calories. After all, that’s what being healthy is, right? Sometimes, I’d wonder about those 26-letter words under the ingredients heading on the box, but shoot, it was only 250 calories and 2 grams of fat, so it must be healthy! You get the picture.

Fast forward to 2008. This proved to be a pretty rotten year. I lost my dad to cancer and exactly ten weeks later, I too was diagnosed. Mourning the loss of my dad soon turned into fear and anger as I dealt with my own condition. I was so healthy — why did this happen? Luckily my treatment was quick and today I remain cancer-free. However, the exceptional loss in my family coupled with my own brush with cancer sparked a drive to understand the role food, both processed and whole alike, has on our bodies.

An insatiable need to learn how the food we put in our body directly affects our health continues to be my quest. During reading and researching; meeting with authors, instructors, and medical experts in the field of nutrition science and health, I adopted a plant-based whole foods diet. It’s no secret that mainly unprocessed, real food is what our body responds to and uses to develop a strong immune system to help fight off disease and chronic illnesses.

Today, still delving deep in continual education and always working toward the highest in certifications, I enjoy teaching plant-based culinary classes and serving my clients. Along with making regular appearances on St. Louis TV affiliates such as Fox, CBS, and NBC morning shows, I’m also demonstrating in large venues such as home shows and health immersions.

Whether you are looking to reverse an illness or take preventative measures to avoid one, looking at what you put in your body is a good place to start. The most asked question I receive is, “how do I begin?”. My answer, A Plant On Every Plate.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Not smooth at all!

A couple of things–

We all need support. We especially need it when we are on a solo mission – as many who change their eating habits are. Think about this, when someone makes a lifestyle decision to quit smoking or, say, exercise more, there is typically immediate support. Finding people and programs to rally around you for help is a simple thing to do. Sticking with those who cheer you on makes reaching that goal a bit easier.

However, when someone decides to eat differently from the rest of their family and friends, it can be very difficult to drum up a team of helpers. Not only that, but you also may feel pressure to become an expert in every darn nutrient you are now eating and why it’s so healthful. It’s a lot.

Also – Being located in the midwest where new ideas always show last, it was a real struggle to find foods that fit my new way of eating. It was easy to go to the grocery store and buy products, etc, but going out to eat was incredibly hard. Everyone thought I was off my rocker with this new trendy way of eating.

Many years later and as time has proven, adding more plants to your plate is NOT TRENDY, it has become normal to find vegan/plant-based restaurant items.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We are the nation’s first plant-based nutrition and culinary education center! Through classes and programs both in-shop and online, we help you add more plants to your plate. Whether you want to go fully vegan/plant-based overnight, tiptoe into it, or simply find new ways to cook plants, we are here for you.

Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
As Henry Ford said,

“If you think you can, or you think can’t, you’re right.”

Listen, your goal or mission in life will never be as important to anyone else as it is to you, so if you want to make it happen, it’s on you. You may get there, you may not – but that burning in your soul to find out doesn’t just go away.

It may lessen a little as life moves on, but unless you fan the flame and give it life and see what other parts of your life you can ignite, you’re just going through the motions – and what fun is that?

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Image Credits
Kevin A. Roberts, St. Louis Magazine

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