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Inspiring Conversations with Jeff Pfitzer of PAK Region of USA Mortgage

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jeff Pfitzer.

Hi Jeff, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
Have been in the mortgage biz (among many other failed ventures) for 21 years. About 5-6 years ago, our group, which was roughly 30 people, left USA Mortgage for another company for a new opportunity. As a result of that move, I felt that I had to do something to create differentiation from USA, and this was also about the time that Facebook Live was becoming a thing. I saw it as an opportunity to jump on something new & innovative that I felt may become a strong part of our culture in the coming years, and long story short, that decision evolved into a video & social media evolution that has created opportunities and growth for our business beyond my wildest dreams. We had plateau’d at a certain size & volume and struggled to find our niche. Since then, and with consistent execution, we have experienced hockey-stick curve growth, and in addition, it has created new start company & influence opportunities.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Not even a little bit smooth. Many failures & struggles along the way, from failed businesses, investments, struggles to scale & grow, etc. I recently created a video where I explain it simply by saying, my first ten years out of college, I had no idea what I was doing; my next ten years, I thought I knew what I was doing; and my current 1o years I know exactly what I’m doing, and am preparing to set myself up to do whatever I want from the subsequent ten year periods.

As you know, we’re big fans of PAK Region of USA Mortgage. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
I actually have multiple businesses now, but mortgage is the cornerstone and partially why everything else was created. I think what makes my story most interesting is how I’ve been able to attain massive growth over the last few years by using video & social media to establish a strong brand and connect thru parasocial relationships with real estate people all over the country. I’m definitely most known for becoming a “video expert” thru lots of practice, which has evolved into becoming a social media savant by creating organic omnipresence.

As a result, our business has grown from roughly 30 Employees that did 595 units for $96,000,000 volume in 2018, to 1,933 units for $393,000,000 volume in 2020, and we’re currently at 115 Employees, on pace for 2,236 units for $560,000,000+ volume in 2021!

Other businesses & opportunities that have sprouted, also as a result, are; 1) Business Video School, 2) Real Estate Mastery Pros, 3) Social Coach, and I’m also the host of 2 podcasts; 1) Lab Coat Agents Podcast (largest real estate social media group on the planet with over $140K members), and 2) Drunk on Social’s “The Symposium” (social media group of 9K members built around providing next level content around social media strategies, apps, technology, news, etc.). Lastly, I’ve recently started a new FB group called the Starving St. Louisan, which was created to highlight local restaurants, to bring attention to them, and hopefully breathe life back into the local restaurant economy, post-Covid world.

Is there something surprising that you feel even people who know you might not know about?
I was a Fredbird for the St. Louis Cardinals back in 1996 & 1997

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