Today we’d like to introduce you to Monique Fulks.
Hi Monique, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
So…when my son was born in 2014, he dealt with very sensitive skin issues. No matter what I used on him, he would break out in the most horrible rashes, and as a mother, I wasn’t really sure what to do. I remember going to launch event for a friend who had started making her own body butters and I spoke with her about what was going on with my son. She encouraged me that I could make my own products to see how they would work. So I began to do a little research and play around with ingredients to make some sort of cream that would not only clear his skin but keep him moisturized as well! Well low and behold, IT WORKED! So much so that close friends and family began to ask me if they could purchase some to try for themselves and they loved it! Shortly after that, I began selling at vendor events as a hobby and began experiencing with developing other body products. In 2015, I decided to actually make this hobby an actual business and BRAVE Essentials was born!
Shortly after that, one month later to be exact I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, and all my hair began to fall out (due to the actual sickness, not the treatment.) I went from having nice, long, thick and beautiful hair to having to cut all of my hair really short because it had gotten so thin, and I had many bald spots. As a hairstylist, I noticed that many of my clients were experiencing hair loss issues as well. As a woman of faith, I began to pray for a solution. One day while at the shampoo bowl, I had a vision of different oils coming together. I just so happen to have these particular oils on hand and began using the mixture on my clients. About a month went by and we began to realize that their hair was not only growing back but it was thicker and longer than before! I tested this oil on many people and the consensus seems to be the same! My clients were happy, and as I started using it myself, so was I! My husband started using it in his beard and he loved it as well!.
Eventually, I grew tired of being a hairstylist as it became too much for me to manage my health, my home, and my business, so I retired. I put BRAVE down for two years because I felt like is wasn’t going anywhere. When the pandemic hit, thats when everything changed. A few former clients asked me to send them so of the oil that I would use on their hair, and I made too many bottles. I made a reluctant FB post about how the oil has helped, showed everyone how long my hair had gotten using the oil, and wanted to know who wanted to try it! My inbox erupted!!! Thus, NOURISH Growth Oil was born and BRAVE Essentials had accidentally re-emerged! I began to introduce former products along with new ones and the business kept growing. IN March of 2021, I opened my first brick and mortar!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No…..not at all, lol! I had no idea how to really run a business of this magnitude. I often struggle with keeping up with the demand for the products because I hand make everything myself. There was a huge learning curve on how to order inventory, manage production, and making sure that everything was made the same way each and every single time! Doing what I do requires A LOT of work, but I love it. During this past year though, I have really learned what my strengths and weaknesses are as a business owner…….honestly as a person overall. There have been times where I have doubted if I could really do this or not, but as my husband tells me often “You’re in too deep now MO!”
Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about BRAVE Essentials?
BRAVE Essentials is LEGIT!!! Lol, I’m not just saying that! There are thousands of my customers who would agree with me. We specialize in natural skin and hair care products, as well as luxury home fragrances (candles, wax melts, etc.). I am very proud of our number 1 seller, NOURISH Growth Oil because it put us on the map! Even after thousands of bottles sold, I still get VERY emotional when customers call or email me their results and how happy they are from using something that I was able to create with my bare hands. I want everyone to know that when they purchase and use our products, they are getting the best that nature has to offer each and every time. Our products contain minimal ingredients but they produce maximum results! Our haircare is BOMB! Our skincare is BOMB! Our Candles are AMAZING! Try them for yourself and see what all of the buzz is about!
Can you talk to us about how you think about risk?
In business……let me backtrack……in LIFE small risks yield small returns! At some point in time, there must be some sort of risk taken in order to achieve a goal. I definitely consider myself to be a risk taker. Now, should I take as many risks as I do? Not too sure about that, haha! I have definitely taken risks and faaaaaaailed!!! I have taken risks and succeeded at times as well! The thing is, I’m always willing to bet on myself. I believe in myself enough to go after what I think about in my head that I’m afraid of. I’m more of an “act now, figure out along the way” type of person. Sometimes it gets me into trouble, lol, but most times, it causes me to experience way more that than those who live afraid experience.
- Hair Care: $16.50-$25
- Body Care: $8-$20
- Home fragrances: $8-$35
Contact Info:
- Email:
- Website:
- Instagram: brave_essentials
- Facebook: BRAVEEssentalsLLC
Image Credits
Edward Rhone (Jorhan Images) Brave Essentials