Today we’d like to introduce you to Niya Harris.
Hi Niya, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
My journey started with the love for the entertainment industry when I was young. I lost my mom at the age of 4 years old and took many losses throughout my life. People always ask me if I am sad and the answer is always no because I always want to make something out of myself and for my family. I knew with always being sad wouldn’t get me anywhere in life. I was raised by my grandfather and dad. They both told me about life. My grandfather always told me that if you want to be successful you have to go for it.
I fell in love with sports by going to my cousin’s basketball games, track meets, plus more. I got the chance to see behind the scenes of players from their sports. It showed me that people push themselves to get to the top and make a difference in their life. Which made me create a sports page in college, but continue reading… In high school, I got a chance to be the assistant basketball coach for the girl’s team. Which started my journey in wanting to work within the sports industry. In high school, I was a part of an organization called College Bound St. Louis they taught me so much about preparing for the ACT, taking me to view different universities, and even sticking beside me throughout college as well. College Bound signs everyone a coach based on their grade level (high school throughout college). This organization has helped me so much because my grandfather and dad did not know much about the college process. College Bound St. Louis was the one who helped me find my university which was Missouri State University in Springfield, MO.
I started my journey in college at Missouri State University. In college, I got a documentary published about my life through my organization back home (College Bound St. Louis). Where I explained how I was on academic suspension during my sophomore year of college, but I came back to Missouri State my Junior. After finishing one semester at Ozark Technical Community College improving my GPA. As well as how I accomplished everything myself with being alone at college. Throughout the hard times at college, College Bound St. Louis never left me. I could talk to them about everything that I was experiencing at college. At Missouri State University, College Bound had someone there that was in connections that I could go talk to. Which made it better even though I talked with my College Bound coach every day. I still had someone I could go talk to.
I am now graduated from Missouri State University as of December class of 2021 with my major being Entertainment Management with an emphasis on sports, music, events, and venues. GO BEARS! While attending from coming back from suspension, I was a part of an organization called the Entertainment Management Association. This organization was put on by one of our professors over the major. This organization allows students to get involved by going to the Super Bowl and Final Four, touring venues, attending music conferences, connecting with alumni, plus more.
In 2021, I was the assistant marketing rep for the Entertainment Management Association. In the organization, I got a chance to volunteer at the 2021 NFL Draft, attended the 2021 Final Four, the Miami Dolphins Sales and Marketing Development Combine Conference of 2020, and the Golden State Warriors Internship conference for the years 2020 and 2021. As well as on campus, I was an Usher (John. Q Hammons Arena), on the Welcome team for Occupy, Helped out with ESPN3, on the Athletic Coordinator and Community Relations Committee, and Athletic Department Marketing and Promotions Intern. This university is wonderful due to the opportunities that they provide me and how much they pushed me through to get to success.
I got a job right after college working for Fox2News in the account executive department plus I got a chance to work Super Bowl 2022. This came from me being able to get experiences while attending college. College was challenging but I found hope and dedication to search high and low for opportunities.
In November of 2020, I started my own sports page on Instagram called Never Stop. The idea of Never Stop came from that you are never going to stop achieving your goals. I started just with just posting sports/entertainment news and me interviewing high school, college, and professional athletes. Until many people started to ask “How did I get my opportunities” and “What college did I go to”. This is when my idea came in with doing TikToks and Instagram reels in giving people insight information on how to volunteer at these big experiences by posting step by step information. Now, I am speaking at events, universities, on radio shows, plus more because I took the information and insight from college and now putting it out there for others to be able to get the experience that. I would not have known any of this information if it wasn’t for Missouri State University and College Bound St. Louis. Shout out goes to them! I learned on my own how to fill up my free time by taking something I love and forming entertainment for people to enjoy. I own cameras, audio, lighting, and other equipment. For all these stories to come to life.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Some Struggles I had along the way is that I lost my mom at the age of 4 including my grandma and some other deaths along the way, I grew up with my grandpa and with my dad being around. I have sad moments but I have learned that I am chasing after my dreams for the people who are not here anymore.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
What do you do: I put out sports/entertainment news, interviews (high school, college, and professionals athletes), and most importantly provide volunteer opportunities. That people did not know were out there.
What do you specialize in: I connect people with getting inside scoop on volunteer experiences in the sports/entertainment industry, plus interviewing athletes and letting them story there behind the scenes stories.
What are you known for: I am know for my story, helping out people with getting opportunities, and always being a hard working person.
What are you most proud of: I am most proud of being able to go to a university (Missouri State University) that give me information on how I can help others get into my shoes. Help people build their resume up before getting out into the real world, including being able to keep going even when life got hard for me. Also, being an African American Woman being able to help people get into the entertainment industry in a male-dominated industry.
Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
The entertainment industry is not going anywhere due to the fact that in 2023 it is projected to make $83.1 billion dollars. The biggest change that I see is that more women are getting into the sports/entertainment industry even though it is a male dominated industry. More women are doing work such as being a part of the production team, working in front of the camera, and starting up their own sports journey experiences.
Contact Info:
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Image Credits
Odell Jones Jr.
College Bound St. Louis