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Life & Work with Terrance Pittman of Downtown

Today we’d like to introduce you to Terrance Pittman.

Hi Terrance, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I started Drip Team Prints in the summer of 2019, after a trip to Atlanta didn’t go as planned, I used the trip money and invested in equipment to make custom T-shirts. My first products being 4th of July T-Shirts, but that eventually evolved into printing hoodies, jogging suits, and more. In February 2020, I quit my 9-5 job and pursued making custom clothes full-time and added additional custom services including direct embroidery & screen printing. During the pandemic, the business continued to grow, but the custom tee industry in St Louis began to get crowded, so in 2021, I added Custom Rugs and Neon Lights to my services. As of now, business is great! With our ability to make any style & size rug, with any picture or drawing, our rugs are selling like crazy. Neon light sales are also growing with the new added styles and colorways I have to choose from. And I still offer my custom clothing and promotional items for businesses throughout the city. Overall, St. Louis has been a huge support to me and my business, always welcoming me at local pop-up shops and events helping small business like mine in the mix.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been fairly smooth?
No, it has not. I went from weekly consistent paychecks to now only getting paid if my product sales: it was a huge gamble and still is. In the beginning, I was confident in selling and producing a quality product with no problem. When Covid hit, the world shut down, and the business ran a lil’ slow. The strains of making more income started to settle in during the beginning effects of Covid. Thankfully I could sustain all the financial difficulties that came with Covid, but it was not easy.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you do?
Originally, I was known for my custom clothes but now I am most known throughout the city for my custom rugs. I love providing quality custom décor, and what people don’t realize is everything that I create is hand-made. Of course I have different tools and equipment that I utilize on a daily basis, but I am crafting each product by hand. For me it’s always about elevating and creating a lane where my brand stands out from the rest. Anyone can create a custom vinyl t-shirt in their home nowadays, but can they make a rug from scratch? And that’s what separates me from the rest. I’m proud that all my hard work is being recognized and not overlooked in the city.

Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
Yes, a couple of things: Spend more time with your loved ones, and don’t be so hard on yourself. Everything works itself out.


  • Custom logo rugs start at $120.00 size 2ftx3ft
  • Name neon lights start at $100.00 size 12”x24”
  • Custom short sets start at $40.00
  • Custom Logo neon lights start at 150.00 size 12”x24”
  • Custom T shirts start at $15.00

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