Today we’d like to introduce you to Marisa LaRen.
Hi Marisa, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I had been an artist from a young age. It was one of the few ways I felt like I could express myself. After graduating High school at 16, I spent my first year of college lost and struggling to find my path. Struggling to find what I wanted to do with my life. My first semester of college was catered towards the sciences; being a dentist or a doctor. After realizing how wrong that felt and that my heart was not in it at all I switched my major to art.
Unaware that it wasn’t the major that was the issue it was me. College never felt right to me. I felt like I was going through the motions but never felt inspired or empowered. I felt like a cog in a machine. I decided to leave college after one year and just work full time, save up money and decide how to get my life where I wanted it to be. At this point in my life, I knew I wanted tattoos and was interested in possibly learning how to create them, but was unsure where to start or how.
I thought to myself if this career can allow me to pursue my passion for art and also give me some freedom I think this would make me happy. I researched artists and found the best artist in Colorado was actually in my small town. I knew he would be the only person I wanted to have done my first tattoo he was also the only person I wanted to learn from. If I was going to pursue this I wanted to do it the right way.
I wanted quality and to learn from the best. I scheduled my first tattoo appointment with him, bringing along artwork I had been working on. When I first inquired about wanting an apprenticeship I was turned down. He did not want the stress of taking someone under his wing. After months of bringing in artwork and for lack of a better word, bothering him, I finally built enough trust that he gave me a chance.
December 2010, I was 19 years old and I started my tattoo apprenticeship. I did a little over a two-year apprenticeship. The first year I did not touch a tattoo machine; instead, I learned and read all of the procedures and processes that go into tattooing. January 2012, I started tattooing for free on friends and willing volunteers. After only a couple of years of tattooing professionally and still being incredibly new and green the show Ink Masters reached out to me and asked me to compete in the competition show.
I didn’t feel ready or experienced enough but I knew this was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. Being on the show was incredibly stressful but I am thankful for how it has helped my career. While filming the show, I was dealing with an abusive boyfriend that I was trying to leave but was fearful and unsure how. I finally was able to get some help and decided to move my life to Florida and leave my small hometown for the first time.
After having money stolen from me, everything I owned not being in my name, a wrist broken, and a restraining order I finally got out of a frightening situation.
Unfortunately, my move to Florida was not the bright new beginning I was hoping for. I was manipulated into another abusive relationship… Thinking back I am very aware that unconsciously I was falling prey to these types of relationships because I grew up in an incredibly abusive household. That type of treatment was masking itself as love to me.
After recognizing the toxic patterns, I was involved in I decided to make a decision to move across the country again. This time all alone. I got offered two jobs at incredibly talented tattoo shops in Las Vegas and after visiting there one time decided to move my life there and start over.
I spent my time in Las Vegas building my portfolio, pushing my artistic limits, and bettering myself not just in my career but also personally. When 2020 came around I had made the decision to move again and this time open up my own private studio in St. Louis, Missouri. Set to move to St. Louis, MO in March of 2020 the world shut down. I was forced to pivot and restructure my entire plan.
During that time, when I was unable to work and unable to move, I refocused my energy on painting. I picked up a paintbrush after years of not touching one and reignited a passion that I had been missing. I was able to quell the artist’s hunger in me that not being able to tattoo had inflamed. I started painting semi-realistic animals that reminisced my western upbringing. Finally, after 6 months, I was able to make my move to Missouri. This would be my first time owning my own studio.
The learning curve and stress were at a completely new level but none of the setbacks, stressors, or pandemic was going to keep me from reaching my goals. This is when Common Place was born. A high-end, private tattoo studio. With classic and rustic western-inspired vibes. I put blood, sweat, and tears into getting this studio open and all the risk was worth the reward. I have built a beautiful space and an incredible clientele list.
I have been able to sell one-off original oil paintings and people all over the world are willing to travel to me and collect my artwork on their skin permanently. I am grateful for the beautiful new chapter being in St. Louis has brought to me and so excited to see where things go from here.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
This journey has been anything but smooth. Deciding to move across the country and open a brick and mortar for the first time and having it all happen during a pandemic was anything but easy. I felt like the universe was working against me every step of the way.
My move dates were altered multiple times, I had to go through bureaucracy hoops and logistical mazes to get approved for a tattoo studio in the central west end of St. Louis since they hadn’t allowed tattoo studios until recently. One month after moving here and starting the process of getting my studio renovated I fractured my hand.
A couple of months later, I herniated 3 discs after working on the remodeling of my studio and was unable to work or move for almost three months. Instead of the construction taking one month it ended up taking 4 and costing double. At every turn, I was faced with adversities I never saw coming.
I never let it defeat me and just kept my head down, put in the work, and made my vision finally come true.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I specialize in Neo-Traditional style tattoos. I create completely custom and original pieces for my clients. Every piece is hand-drawn and customized for the individual.
I also create fine art, semi-realistic, oil paintings. Currently, my paintings have been focused on animal subjects inspired by my country’s upbringing and love for the west. I am most proud of the growth I have made in the last few years. Technically, artistically, and professionally.
I have pushed myself to improve on all levels and I believe it is finally paying off. I do believe my drive to be true and authentic to who I am and my vision sets me apart from other artists. I believe people appreciate the time and care that goes into creating pieces that have a piece of me in every one.
The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you and any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
During the Covid- 19 crisis, I learned that no matter the setbacks life throws at you that you can find a way to overcome them. That adversity is just an obstacle and never a wall that you are unable to either tear.
Down, climb over, or breakthrough. It also made me incredibly grateful for the clientele and support I’ve built up over the years that allows me to work from anywhere and still have a thriving business.
I realized that even a bad situation can be used to become better and even through hard times I am able to create and sustain.
- Tattooing is day rates of 2k
- Custom paintings are priced from 5-15K
Contact Info:
- Email: commonplacestl@yahoo.com
- Instagram: @Marisalarenart
- Facebook: marisalarentattoos
Image Credits
Chelsa Christensen and Andy Atchison